1. I believe this world is complicated and life where not evolved from material, but created.
2. You can call the designer, God, or any other name you choose.
3. I know nothing about this 'God', and I believe nobody knows about it anything.
4. I believe 'God' create any human being with conscience.
5. I believe every human-being should look for guidance from his/her conscience.
6. I believe religion and selfishness are enemies of conscience.
7. Religion is an enemy of conscience because it asked its followers to obey the orders of religious leaders, and not their own conscience.
8. I believe most people prefer to belong to communities, because human beings are herd-animals like many other mammals, which feel more comfortable to be in a group than by living isolated alone.
9. I believe most people are worry about their future.
10. I believe religion give hope and peace for most people.
11. I believe selfish people who called themselves prophets created all the monotheist religions.
12. Religions are successful because they are using a win-win formula: They supply the masses with peace of mind, and give power and respect to selfish religious leaders. Both sides are happy.
13. I believe conscience of any person want to see more love, less hatred, and less suffering on this planet.
14. I believe conscience of any person would like human kind to be able to make this world a paradise on Earth.
15. I believe conscience of any person would like to see no division between human beings.
16. I believe religions (and nationalism) are causing division between human beings.
17. I believe religions (and nationalism) are causing hatred between people.
18. I believe religions (and nationalism) are causing more suffering to other groups.
19. I believe religions (and nationalism) are preventing this world from becoming a Paradise on Earth, because any religion or nation is behaving like a selfish organization.
20. I believe human free conscience would like to see no borders on this planet.
21. I believe human free conscience would like to see all people helping and caring to each other.
22. I believe human free conscience would not like to kill animals for any reason.
23. I would like selfish people to stay religious… it's better than being selfish without religion.
24. The people I respect the most are free thinkers who let their free conscience guiding them.
About Indonesian History
1. During Suharto time between 500,000 to 1,000,000 people were killed without trial by Suharto with the support of Muslim organizations, many ordinary Indonesians, and USA ' CIA. Till now nobody was punished.
2. During Suharto time, third of the East Timorese people were killed or die due to Indonesian policies and TNI's treatment of the population there. Nobody was punished.
3. During Suharto time, many family members of GAM in Aceh were killed without trial by TNI. Nobody punished till now.
4. During Suharto fall in 1998, many Chinese women were raped and others killed by Muslim Indonesians. Till now nobody punished.
5. There is no Indonesian public demand for justice regarding the above crimes.
6. Based on the above data, it's VERY clear that most, in not all, Indonesian people forgot at-all they have conscience (or they just ignore it..)
About Palestine
1. According to the Jewish Bible, Christian Bible and the Koran, - God gave Palestine (Eretz Kna'an , or Eretz Israel ) to the children of Yakov: The Jewish people. I do not believe it.
2. There is no doubt among international scholars that there were two kingdoms in Palestine about 800 BC: Israel and Judea . The capital of Judea was Jerusalem .
3. According to the Jewish and Christian Bible, there were 12 tribes of Israel . 10 tribes create the Kingdom of Israel , and 2 tribes created the kingdom of Judea . I do not believe it.
4. The Kingdom of Israel was destroyed by the Assyrians on the 8th century BC, and its population was expelled and disappeared. From time to time there are evidences about their traces somewhere in East Asia .
5. The Kingdom of Judea was destroyed by the Babylonians on 587 BC and its population expelled to Babylon . They started to call themselves Yehudim (Jews), since most of them belong to the Israeli tribe of Yehuda.
6. After the Persians destroyed the Babylonian empire the Jews were allowed to return to Eretz Israel , and rebuild their temple in Jerusalem (517 BC). Just 1/4 of the Jews returned to Israel . The rest prefer to stay in Babylon ( Iraq today).
7. The Jews rebuilt the Kingdom of Judea which existed till 70 AD. At that time the Roman Empire control the country. After some Jewish rebellions the Roman destroy the temple in 70AD and not allowed Jews to live in and around Jerusalem since 135 AD. Many Jews left Israel at that time. Most of them to Europe . The Roman changed the name of Judea to Palestina, to erase any memory of Judea life there.
8. Jews were living in Diaspora till the 19th century, praying 3 times a day to their God, asking him to return them to their land.
9. Mohammad conquered Jerusalem from the Eastern Roman Empire ( Byzantium ).
10. Till the 19th century successful Jews were suffered everywhere from jealousy and discrimination of the local primitive and uneducated population (like Chinese were suffering in Malaysia and Indonesia during Suharto time)
11. On the 19th century, racism against Jews reached new high level.
12. Atheist Jews who stop believing that God will return Jews to their homeland in Palestine / Eretz Israel created the Zionist movement.
13. The Zionist movement aim was to bring the Jews back to their homeland after 2000 years of suffering in Diaspora. They stopped waiting for God to do so after 2000 years of waiting and praying 3 times a day…
14. At that time there were 18,000,000 Jews around the world, and the population of Palestine was of 600,000 people, almost all of them Arabs (80% Muslims, 20% Christian Arabs). Jerusalem has a Jewish majority of ultra-religious population because it was always the holiest place for Jews.
15. WW2 (1939-1945): 6,000,000 Jews were murdered by the Germans. 1/3 of the global Jewish population.
16. 1947: The United Nations decide to divide Palestina/Eretz Israel to 2 states: Jewish and Arab.
17. The Arabs did not agree and declare a war against the new Jewish State which was established on 14/5/1948.
18. Israel won the war. 1% of the Jewish population killed in that war. It was very cruel war with no mercy on both sides. Jewish population were killed or run away from the areas controlled by the Arabs. 600,000 Palestinians run away or expel from the areas Israel controlled, and since then, they are refugees because they did not accept any offer for settlement except of returning to their homes.
19. Since then the Arabs and the Muslim world, try to do everything they can to destroy the State of Israel … Non-Arab countries like Indonesia , Pakistan and Malaysia do not want to recognize the existence of Israel , even after 60 years of independence.
20. Israel feels unsecure in an hostile threatening neighborhood, and react accordingly.
21. The Palestinians nowadays are divided: The PLO agree to a Palestinian state in the West Bank and Gaza Strip which will live in peace with Israel . Indonesia supports this solution and most Israelis too.
22. The Hamas, who won the last parliament election, and later took by force the control of Gaza strip do not agree to peace with Israel . They have ultra-religious agenda, which endanger all the relatively secular Arab regimes in the Middle East .
23. Israel dismantles the Israeli settlements in Gaza strip few years ago, and left the entire area for the Palestinians to control.
24. After Hamas took control of the Gaza Strip, by force, - the Palestinians started again with the old habit of shelling neighboring Israeli towns few times per week.
25. Thanks to Egypt , ceasefire was achieved for few months.
26. Last week of December 2008 the Hamas refuse the Egyptian offer to continue with the ceasefire and started rocketing and shelling Israeli towns.
27. After 8 years where Israel did almost nothing to stop the shelling and rocketing from the Gaza strip on Israel , - Israel launched the current attack on Hamas strongholds in Gaza .
28. Egypt blamed the Hamas for using the Palestinian population as live shield, and blame Israel for unproportional reaction which cause mass killing.
29. I agree with the Egyptian stance.
30. I believe all sides should follow the international law, and stop killing civilians.
About Muslim Terrorism
1. In Afghanistan , Pakistan , Iraq , and Algeria dozens of thousands of Muslims kids were killed by fellow Muslims using the method of suicide bombing, bombing without suicide, slaughtering or beheading.
2. No patwa was issued by Muslim religious leaders around the world against killing of peaceful civilians.
3. No patwa was issued by any Muslim religious leaders around the world against joining or supporting organizations and people who kill deliberately peaceful people.
4. Muslim religious leaders have time to ban Yoga, Ahmediya and some fashion… but defending the life of peaceful civilians is not their business. Seems Muslim religious leaders like many other religion leaders forgot they have conscience or just abandon it. Shame on them.
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