יום שישי, 28 במאי 2010

About the Killing of Ahmadis in Lahore's Mosques

In response to Gunmen kill 70 in Lahore mosques attack , I would like to say this:

Can you imagine how the devote and even moderate Muslim around the world would react, if Jews ,somewhere, attack without real reason two Muslim mosques and kill 70 innocent people???

Where are all these politically aware and sophisticated intellectual Muslim who hurry to blame Israel, Zionism, and Jewish imperialism for any problem around the world? - They are now silent like a fish with innocent eyes, and have nothing to say when the killers are Muslim. Why???? - Hypocrisy is the name of the game. Nothing is new in the realm of religions. Hypocrisy was always a common practice by religious leaders and activists of most 'pious' religions.

2nd issue for thought: The mosques in this case belong to the Ahmadis, a sect discriminated by the Indonesian government and law too. They are living fearful in current Indonesia, and almost everyone (if not everyone) who is attacking them is given impunity. I wonder how long we have to wait till this kind of attack will be carried out against the Ahmadis in Indonesia. No one should be surprised then.

(The response was published by the Jakarta Post)

יום ראשון, 23 במאי 2010

Response to Priyo Budi Santoso remarks about Sri Mulyani Indrawati

After reading this article: Sri Mulyani is overreacting: Golkar deputy in Jakarta Post, - I felt so angry, - so I wrote this as a response:

"When the worse creatures in Indonesian landscape attack one of the best one, - it's really amazing expression of impudence. Orang-Golkar is responsible for huge number of atrocities everywhere is the areas controlled by Indonesia . I, personally, prefer one of its victims, the Orangutans, to replace Orang-Golkar in DPR. I am sure Orangutans in DPR will be MUCH less destructive to the future of the Indonesian society. I am sure I am not the only one who thinks so. Sri Mulyani is a free woman today, after rescuing herself from being another prey of the conscienceless and shameless Orang Golkar primitive creatures. Pity for the Indonesian people that their president feels he must bow to these disgusting creatures."

(The response was published in the Jakarta Post)