To: US President Barack Obama
Dear Mr. President,
Current situation of the Israeli – Arab conflict is not so promising…
• In Syria: There is an undemocratic and unpredictable regime, - not many in the world really trust.
• In Israel: For the foreseen future, there is not going to be any government (left, right, or united) that can deal efficiently with the settlements issue.
• In the Palestinian Authority: There is no effective government which has a mandate by most of the Palestinians to deal with Israel.
Superficially, it seems there is no way to promote peace in the Middle-East in such a situation. However, we believe there is a way to overcome the unique obstacles we mentioned above.
We call you, Mr. president, to make the following scenario, - a reality, as soon as possible!
1. The Arab Initiative as a base for a solution: We believe, that almost all the world, and most of Israelis and Palestinians, know that the only peace solution available at our times is based on the Saudi/Arab initiative.
2. Quartet (i.e. UN, EU, Russia, USA) led solution: We want the Quartet led by US President Barack Obama to illustrate a fair solution based on that Arab initiative. The Quartet's initiative should include a paragraph dedicated to the status of the Israeli Arabs. Likewise, it has to include timetable for each milestone illustrated in the paper.
3. Imposing Referendum: The Quartet will demand the Israeli, Palestinian and Syrian parliaments to adapt a new law which give supreme legal power to outcome of national referendum about the solution for the Israeli-Arab conflict. Any parliament which refuse to adapt such bill, will suffer severe global sanctions.
4. Sanction against any objector people: Any country which its population will not accept the Quartet's proposal, - will be punished by global severe sanctions till they approve the proposal, or otherwise, convince the quartet to amend it.
5. Accord Enforcement: The Quartet will enforce the accurate implementation of the peace accord by any means, including military force.
6. Long Term Peace Keeping: The quartet will not tolerate any violation of the peace accord for at least 50 years. Any violation will be met by severe sanctions and military force if needed.
Our Global Vision
If the above illustrated scenario will be implemented successfully it will promote the human civilization in one higher step forward:
1. This peace accord can be used as a model for solving other stubborn ethnic conflicts around the globe.
2. Direct democracy will be promoted, and used more frequently.
3. International bodies will have more power which can ensure a more peaceful era.
We believe these three characteristics are essential, if humanity wants to achieve a civilization without barbaric wars, - A humane culture which based on mutual respect, care, and democracy.
No time to wait!
Powers which opposed any peaceful solutions are on the rise in the Middle East and other places. We must act now, fast, and efficiently!
Mr. President, please lead the Quartet toward the direction we illustrate above, for the sake of humanity!
(The petition was published on