Where are the fatwas against killing of peaceful people in the name of Islam???
Here is a nice piece of news about the OIC reaction to the Mumbai events.
Now, I am waiting for the Mullahs, Ulemas, and Muslim religious leaders and parties around the world (especially those who are so enthusiastic in issuing fresh fatwas and religious laws) to issues some refreshing fatwas against Muslims who express support for killing of civilians... and of-course to demonstrate against the blasphemy of using the name of Islam for slaughtering peaceful civilians. Another fatwa, much more severe should be issued against joining organizations which support killing of peaceful civilians, and another nice fatwa can ask any Mulsim to do anything he/she can do to prevent killing of peaceful people.
Currently, in Indonesia, religious leaders are busy with banning and dissolve Ahmadiyya sect, and with... dressing code. In Malyasia they are busy with tomboys and Yoga practicing. Don't you think using the name of Islam for killing peaceful people is much more severe??? - Why no Ulemas, Muslim Religious leaders, and Muslim religious parties are issuing the right fatwas against such atrocities done in the name of Islam???
I am almost sure I will not get answer from any of my Muslim friends, because none of you have one. You are ashamed of your religious leaderships, but dare not to express it, or do something to change it...
That's what make me very sad and pessimistic about the future of the Islamic world....
(The article was published in www.thejakartaglobe.com)
(The article was published in www.thejakartaglobe.com)